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Input-Output Conference 2010

Dr Peter Daniels

Peter Daniels is Senior Lecturer in the Griffith School of Environment at Griffith University.

He is an environmental economist with a broad interdiscplinary educational background and research interests aligned with relatively new transdiscipline of ecological economics with its emphasis on the biophysical consequences of economic activities and systems for environmental, economic and social sustainability.

Major research foci include the development and application of sustainability assessment techniques such as environmental input-output analysis, regional material and energy flow analysis, life cycle assessment and ecological footprint analysis as well as critical issues in sustainable production and consumption (such as industrial ecology and household metabolism). A key extension is the application of these concepts and tools in South-East Queensland and the restructuring the Australian economy for sustainability. Since 2010, Peter has been driving a project aimed at constructing a Multi-Region Input-Output (MRIO) database for the regions of Queensland, and applying it to a wide range of sustainability-related issues.

Dr Daniels has led numerous research projects assessing the links between environmental impacts and economic activities.

He has (co-)authored more than 60 articles in the international peer-reviewed literature.

Peter Daniels


For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985