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Input-Output Conference 2010

Dr Arne Geschke

Dr Arne Geschke is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Integrated Sustainability Analysis research group in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney. His main research interests include large-scale global input-output analysis, the use of high-performance optimisation routines for input-output analysis, global sustainability assessment and environmental-economic impact assessment.

Arne finished his Phd in 2012 during which he developed large parts of the methodology that will be applied in the Industrial Ecology Virtual Laboratory. He presented his research results at various international conferences and has co-authored more than 10 peer-reviewed journal articles so far. Arne has also provided reviewing services to Economic Systems Research and Industrial Ecology.

In the Industrial Ecology Virtual Laboratory, Arne will supervise the deployment of the core infrastructure on the NeCTAR Research Cloud and ensure the compatilibity of the different moduls that will be provided by the partner organisations.

Arne Geschke


For further information please contact

Prof Manfred Lenzen
ISA, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
+61 (0)2 9351-5985