Industry sector studies
At Sydney University, we carry out impact studies of specific Australian industry sectors in terms of a range of indicators.
Examples for industry sector studies include
- Triple Bottom Line Accounts for 135 sectors of the Australian economy (funded by Environment Australia),
- a comparative impact study of Australian organic and conventional farms,
- backward and forward linkages of Australian industry sectors, and Australian key sectors,
- comparative impact studies of renewable energy technologies,
- a survey of operators in the Australian passenger and freight transport system with regard to energy and greenhouse impacts,
- an embodied-energy framework for the construction industry, in collaboration with the Mobile Architecture & Built Environment Laboratory at Deakin University.
For further information contact us for copies of journal articles on
- Australian industry sector linkages and key sectors: Lenzen M, Environmentally important linkages and key sectors in the Australian economy, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 14 (1), 1-34, 2002,
- the renewable energy sector: Lenzen M and Wachsmann U, Wind energy converters in Brazil and Germany: an example for geographical variability in LCA, Applied Energy, in press, 2003; Lenzen M and Munksgaard J, Energy and CO2 life-cycle analyses of wind turbines – review and applications, Renewable Energy 26 (3), 339-362, 2002; Lenzen M, Greenhouse gas analysis of solar-thermal electricity generation, Solar Energy 65 (6), 353-368, 1999,
- embodied energy in the Australian steel sector: Lenzen M and Dey C, Truncation error in embodied energy analyses of basic iron and steel products, Energy 25 (6), 577-585, 2000,
- the Australian transport sector: Lenzen M, Total requirements of energy and greenhouse gases for Australian transport, Transportation Research D 4, 265-290, 1999.
For further information please contact